
°Forty-eight half of the pecans (get a little extra in case the breaks are a little more)
°Twenty-eight cabbage caramels
°One cream
°1/4c sweet chocolate chips 
°1 tsp coconut oil (optional)

* Methods :

Cover butter paper with spread paper. Nut systems in twelve Xs making four legs unequivocal. Inventory the caramel and place it in a bowl that can be heated in the microwave. Try not to use a very little bowl. You can move it without any problem. Add cream and microwave to half-power for thirty seconds in case the intensity is not smooth for fifteen seconds at half-power stretch. Mix occasionally. Mix and discover full t at the focal point of each conglomerate nut. Pass it to cool for about ten minutes. Smooth the chocolate chips and coconut oil in the microwave for one minute with half the energy. Mix until the bowl is exceptionally warm. Keep warming in fifteen to thirty seconds extending in half until you completely ask. Mix infrequently so the pot doesn't heat up. Spoon the chocolate over the caramel; Surface it and rotate it with the back of a spoon. Pass it to set it completely for a few hours. You can cool the turtle to speed up the cycle

Enjoy !